Hypermetal is sponsoring the 4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering

We are very proud to announce that we are sponsoring the 4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering. The event will be held on the 28th to 29th of June, 2021 fully online.

DCE21 is an event organized by FEUP with 13 symposiums about different areas of engineering. It is always an excellent opportunity for doctoral students, of the several areas of engineering, to discuss their on-going research with peers, professors and industry/companies. It is also great for potential industry partners to contact a broad audience of engineers which will soon be looking to move on to the industry.


Symposium on Biomedical Engineering
Symposium on Chemical and Biological Engineering
Symposium on Civil Engineering and Spatial Planning
Symposium on Electrical and Computer Engineering
Symposium on Engineering Physics
Symposium on Environmental Engineering
Symposium on Informatics Engineering
Symposium on Materials Science and Engineering
Symposium on Mechanical Engineering
Symposium in Mining and Geo-Resources Engineering
Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety
Symposium on Sustainable Energy Systems
Symposium in Transport Systems

You can find the full information about the event here: https://paginas.fe.up.pt/~dce/2021/.